Issue 239, July 28, 2024

At last week’s meeting Mr. Jerry Holland, the Supervisor of Elections, provided a detailed overview of his career, election processes, and the importance of trust in the electoral system. He highlighted that he is the longest continuously serving elected official in Duval County and emphasized the honor of serving the public. He recounted his experiences, including the significant changes in election procedures since the 2000 election and the evolution of voting technology from punch cards to optical scan systems.

Holland discussed the challenges of maintaining trust in elections, particularly with shifting public confidence. He stressed the necessity of secure, transparent, and accurate election processes, detailing the rigorous testing and security measures in place to ensure the integrity of voting equipment and the accuracy of election results. He explained the logic and accuracy tests performed on voting machines, the use of physical and electronic safeguards, and the procedures for vote tabulation and verification.

Holland also addressed the need for clean voter rolls, citing efforts to remove ineligible voters and ensure that only eligible individuals can vote. He touched on legislative efforts to improve election security and the importance of bipartisan staffing at polling locations to enhance transparency and public confidence.


In conclusion, Holland emphasized that election officials must continuously strive to improve security and transparency to maintain public trust in the electoral process. He also answered questions from the audience, addressing concerns about election integrity and the measures taken to protect the vote.


Mr. Jerry Holland’s talk exemplified why the Southside Business Men’s Club (SBMC) is an excellent venue for connecting with local leaders and thought innovators. At SBMC, attendees have the unique opportunity to learn from distinguished speakers like Mr. Holland while also engaging with other individuals who value networking and community involvement. The club fosters an environment where members can build relationships, share ideas, and participate in charitable events, making it a hub for personal and professional growth. This combination of educational talks and networking opportunities enhances the overall experience, providing members with valuable insights and connections that benefit both their careers and the community. Make it a point to attend the next SBMC meeting and get started advancing your career and social standing.

Mike Best
2024 President

President Message Archive
